MS can affect different parts of people’s brains and cause different cognitive symptoms. Some people with MS refer to their cognitive symptoms as “brain fog.” Some of the most common types of cognitive symptoms include:
Your mind wanders or you lose your train of thoughtExamples of trouble with attention and concentration include:
Having trouble learning new thingsExamples of problems with information processing are:
How does multiple sclerosis impact brain health and cognitive function? Read on. |
Forgetting people’s namesExamples of difficulty with short-term memory are:
You can’t find the words you want to sayExamples of trouble with verbal fluency are:
Having trouble multitasking, or doing more than one thing at the same timeExamples of problems with executive functioning are:
Having trouble judging dimensions of areas - for instance, parking spotsExamples of trouble with visual-spatial relations include:
MyMSTeam recently conducted a survey of more than 850 members about cognitive symptoms. Read about results from the MyMSTeam member survey:
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Has Anyone Else Had A Mental Breakdown From The MS Cognitive Problems Due To The MS Brain Lesions And Their Worsening?
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A MyMSTeam Member
My Cognitive impairment and fatigue are my biggest disability. It scares me sometimes when I know what I want to say, but can't get the words out. If I do they're not right or in the wrong order. So… read more
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