Bladder And Bowel Control
I have tried all the medicines available to control my bladder. I am currently on Mytribique. Has anyone found a medication that has worked for them? Also to control bowel movements.
I use adult "pullups",,,, 24/7,,, not for the dating thing!!!
I use Depends,, several times a day,, everyday!! I have a new appointment next Tuesday &will ask about for medication. This is old!!!
My bowel movements were getting to be a problem I now take iron which has helped.
Bladder control scares me some times. I use Oxybutin it works ok for me
I’m also on Myrbetriq. It has helped with the bladder control, although I still have to be attentive to urges. When I’ve got to go, I got to go! whether it’s bladder or bowel I have to move quickly. I’m going to start a walking more regularly with a new walker this week and I have heard that more exercise can help.
Fecal Incontenence
How Do People Cope With Weak Bladder? ???? And Bowls? ???
Does Anyone Have The Roof Of Your Mouth To Go Numb And Or Have A Thick Paste In Mouth.