Has Anyone Tried Grounding Sheets? I’ve Heard They Help With Pain And Sleeping Better/longer
I would die of heat and sweating with a weighted one.
I've tried grounding pads and no benefits at all for me. I do use a weighted blanket and find that I can't sleep without it even when it's hot (it may get thrown off a few times during the night but I always manage to put it back on). I'm not sure what benefit it is giving me but for some reason I can't go without it. Good luck!
All goes right along with weighted blankets. My son has used those when he was younger, he has ASD so learned about it back then.
How do you ground your sheets? Sage?
I also want to try, I would hope that they wouldn't overheat me though.
Has Anyone Heard Of Or Tried Grounding Sheets? They’re Supposed To Reduce Inflammation And Pain, Not Sure If It’s A Gimmick, Not Cheap
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