Fatigue and unexpected emotional changes are common symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). A chronic condition, MS can cause relapsing or progressive symptoms in the central nervous system. Both fatigue and strong emotions can be caused by inflammatory changes and lesions in the brain, as well as nerve fiber damage.
Complications of MS — like sleep disorders, medication side effects, and depression — can also cause mood swings and emotionally draining fatigue.
Fatigue and heightened emotions can impact quality of life and take a toll on relationships with friends and loved ones. MyMSTeam members frequently discuss their experiences of fatigue and the range of emotions that come with living with a chronic illness:
Sometimes the connection between fatigue and difficult emotional states seems clear. But it may not always be obvious how fatigue affects you emotionally.
This short quiz was designed to help clarify how MS fatigue affects your emotional state. This is not a clinical quiz. Although it has no diagnostic value, it may provide insight into how fatigue affects you.
If you scored 3 or 4 on any item, fatigue may be taking a toll on your emotional well-being. You may want to discuss the impact of fatigue with your neurologist or other health care provider. They can recommend ways to help manage fatigue.
It can be frustrating and isolating when the people around you don’t understand your MS symptoms. It may take time, patience, and different approaches before a loved one or a co-worker really grasps how MS fatigue affects you and understands the ways they can support you.
Read tips and techniques for talking about MS fatigue with family, friends, and colleagues.
On MyMSTeam, you can join a caring community of more than 160,000 people who share their experiences with MS and the emotional challenges of fatigue. Ask questions, share tips, and find people who understand what you are going through.
How does fatigue affect your emotions? How do fatigue and emotional challenges impact your life? Comment below about your experiences or join MyMSTeam and start a new conversation today.
Is Severe Anxiety A Symptom Of MS?
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A MyMSTeam Member
I do not work or drive . My doctor shared that stress will result in relapse.
My question is how do you handle not working? I feel lazy😇